Newsletter- 10th Week of Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners
On the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, we see God confronting Adam and Eve after their disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Despite their disobedience, there is hope for the future. God’s promise shows His love and mercy. This story reminds us that when we sin and fall short in our own lives whilst there are always consequences, there is always hope because God’s promise of redemption is always there. God never leaves us abandoned and without hope.
Faith and Hardship: In the Second Reading from 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Paul talks about faith during difficult times. He encourages believers to stay strong. Despite the hardships we all may face; Paul reminds us that all our troubles and anxieties are temporary. Our focus should be on what is unseen and eternal. This passage encourages us to keep strong in our faith. No matter what challenges we all may have to face, we can trust in God’s promises. Our hope in eternal life gives us that strength to journey onwards.
Redefining Family: In the Gospel for this Sunday, Mark 3:20-35, Jesus faces opposition. His own family and religious leaders accuse Him of being possessed by evil. Jesus uses this moment to teach an important lesson. Jesus reminds us that those who do the will of God are His true family. Obedience to God’s will makes us all part of Jesus’ family.
Today at Mass we are all being invited to examine our own understanding of community and spiritual kinship. We are called to embrace our fellow believers as brothers and sisters in Christ, irrespective of societal or familial divisions. Through this redefinition of family, we are challenged to extend the boundaries of our love, acknowledging the unity we all share in as part of God’s spiritual family.
Facing Opposition: Jesus faced many challenges during His ministry. His own family did not always understand Him. Religious leaders opposed Him. Despite this, Jesus stayed focused on His mission. We, too, may face opposition in our lives. People may not understand our faith. They may at times challenge us. But like Jesus, we must remain committed to God’s will. We should stay strong in our faith because we have hope in God’s promises.
As we reflect on the readings today at Mass, let us remember God’s love and mercy for us. Despite our many human failures, and all our many weaknesses and inconsistencies God always offers us hope. By staying strong in our faith and doing His will, we become part of His true family. Let us try to face all the challenges in our daily lives this coming week with a new sense of courage, and hope in the knowledge that we face them with God at our side. God’s great love for us never comes to an end he will never leave us alone or without hope.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and mercy. Help us stay strong in our faith and follow Your will. May we always remember that we are part of Your family. Guide us and give us strength in our daily lives. Amen.
First Holy Communion Mass: Please continue to pray for our First Holy Communion Candidates and for their families and our parish Catechists, as our young people continue their preparation ready to receive Holy Communion for the first time, at a special Mass celebrated in the parish, on Saturday 22nd June at 11 am.
Andrew Wakley Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate: In this Bulletin you will find details of the plans to mark Andrew’s ordination at the end of this month to the diaconate. Please continue to keep Andrew in prayer each day as he prepares for this important next step in his vocation journey and for his ordination on Saturday 29th June at 12 noon in the Cathedral of St Barnabas, Nottingham The list to reserve and pay for a seat on the coach to attend Andrew’s ordination at the Cathedral is now out in the entrance to Church. The cost is £15, I would ask please that you sign the sheet and put your monies in the numbered envelopes provided and then return the envelopes to me in person or pop then through the Rectory Front Door.
With prayers and best wishes for you and for your families during the coming week ahead,
Your parish priest and friend,
Fr Jonathan
2024 9th June – Newsletter – Download