Newsletter- 11th Week of Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners
Day for Life 2024: The Church teaches that life is to be nurtured from conception to natural death. In all the Diocese’ in England and Wales, Day for Life is celebrated on the Third Sunday of June each year. This year it falls on Sunday 16th June. This weekend at all our Sunday Masses there will be a Second Collection to support the ongoing work of Life initiatives within the Church.
The theme for this year is The Lord is my Shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life. A debate on end-of-life issues has been in the headlines in recent months with calls for assisted suicide being expressed, especially by celebrities, a view that opposes Catholic teaching that all life is a precious gift from God and that we are all called to care for others at the end of their earthly lives.
As Catholics, along with many people of other faiths and none, we share a different vision about what it is to be fully human, especially when we are suffering and approaching death in the hope of eternal life. People who are coming towards the end of their earthly lives can often feel vulnerable, and afraid, recent research shows that many consider themselves a burden on their loved ones and the wider society. Jesus shows us that life always has dignity and that there is no such thing as a useless life. We are called to defend the gift of life to its natural end and to protect vulnerable people from a culture that could pressure them into assisted suicide. We support people with the companionship of a listening ear, appropriate treatment, and the best of care, and support so that their last days on earth can be times of grace, intimacy and love.
Jesus did not send the sick away. Our Lady remained at the foot of the Cross to the very end as Her Son, Jesus, died. Mary is the model of compassionate presence and prayer whom we are called as Catholic Christians to imitate. People close to death and their loved ones, often go through similar darkness and pain but can come to a more complete acceptance and find true peace in those treasured last moments accompanied by good spiritual care, love and support.
First Holy Communion Mass: Please continue to pray for our First Holy Communion Candidates and for their families and our parish Catechists, as our young people prepare to receive Holy Communion for the first time, at a special Mass celebrated in the parish, this coming Saturday 22nd June at 11 am.
New Lectionary Thank You: The Lectionary, the books that contain the sacred Scripture Readings for Mass and the Sacraments, is changing as part of the continuing process of revising the liturgical translations. The new Lectionary will come into force on the First Sunday of Advent 2024. I am very grateful to all parishioners who have so generously given money for us to purchase new copies of the Lectionary and a new Book of the Gospels. Your generosity has meant we now have the entire amount needed. Thank you!
Changes to the Mass Schedule for this week:
Friday 21st June – Requiem Funeral Mass at 11 am – Angela Thompson
Andrew Wakley Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate: Please continue to keep Andrew in your prayers each day as he prepares for his ordination on Saturday 29th June at 12 noon in the Cathedral of St Barnabas, Nottingham. The list to reserve a seat on the coach to attend Andrew’s ordination at the Cathedral is now out in the entrance to Church. The cost is £15. I would ask please that you sign the sheet and put your monies in the numbered envelopes provided and then return the envelopes to me in person or pop then through the Rectory Front Door.
With prayers and best wishes during the coming week ahead,
Your parish priest and friend,
Fr Jonathan
2024 16th June – Newsletter – Download