Newsletter- 12th Week of Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners
Today’s Readings at Mass for the 12th Sunday in ordinary Time – Year B, provide an opportunity for us to focus on our trust in God with great courage and hope. Three of the texts demonstrate the Lord’s power over the sea, and his care for us. In the First Reading, the Lord responds to Job’s complaints that he has been punished unjustly. God speaks of his divine power over his own creation. God’s control over nature is also echoed in the Gospel, as Jesus calms the storm. The disciples panic as the gale takes hold, awakening Jesus, who chides them for their lack of faith. They are filled with awe as Jesus stills the waves, asking: ‘Who can this be?’ The Psalmist tells of the sailors’ fear as their frail boats are buffeted by the winds and waves, but they give thanks to the Lord for his loving care as he leads them to a safe haven. St Paul expresses his gratitude for the overwhelming love of Christ, through whose life, death and resurrection we are all offered a new creation, in the Second Reading.
This week we might pray for an increasing awareness of the Lord’s constant presence in our lives. We can perhaps express our gratitude for His love in the words of the Responsorial Psalm refrain: O give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures for ever.
Andrew Wakley Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate: Next weekend 29th/30th June we keep the great Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul, and as a parish community we share with Andrew in the joy of his ordination to the Permanent Diaconate. Please keep Andrew in your prayers this coming week as he prepares for his Ordination next Saturday 29th June at St Barnabas Cathedral at 12 noon.
Next Sunday – 30th June at 11 am we shall celebrate a special Mass for the Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul at 11 am, this replaces the normal 9.30 am Mass that Sunday and this will be the first Mass in the parish at which Andrew will assist as a newly ordained deacon at the Altar and at which he will preach. After Mass that day there will be a glass of fizz, some celebratory cake, tea and coffee and soft drinks served for all who may wish to stay on for a while after Mass, in the Parish Hall.
Gift from the Wakley Family: In recognition of the kindness and support by the parish community of Andrew on his journey towards ordination to the diaconate, his family have very kindly given to St Mary’s a set of Benediction Candelabra and a new Chalice. The chalice will be used for the first time at the Sunday Mass on 30th June. The Candelabra will be blessed by me alongside Andrews new deacons’ vestments this Sunday at Mass. Thank you to the Wakley family for your generosity.
New Processional Candle Lanterns and Hand-crafted Wooden Stands: I have recently purchased for the parish two beautiful reconditioned processional candle lanterns for use at the Sunday Masses and at Festivals celebrated in the parish. I am very grateful to Alan Rowell for making and giving to the parish two solid wooden stands, for the processional candle lanterns to sit in fittingly beside the Tabernacle during Mass when they are in use in our liturgies at St Mary’s. Thank you, Alan for your time, talents and generosity.
First Holy Communion – Congratulations: On Saturday we celebrated a very joyful Mass for our First Holy Communion candidates who joined by their families, friends and our parish catechists, received Holy Communion for the first time. Please continue to keep our young people in your prayers as they continue in their journey of faith.
With prayers and best wishes for you and for your families during the coming week ahead,
Your parish priest and friend,
Fr Jonathan
2024 23rd June – Newsletter – Download