Newsletter 13th December 2020 – 3rd Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners,

Unfortunately, following a fall on Monday, Father Kevin has taken some time off to rest and recuperate. He will be away from the Parish until Thursday 17th December. Please prayer for Father’s recovery and that he may return to the parish and celebrate Mass next weekend. We wish to give thanks to Father Michael Bell who celebrated the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass, Father Michael O’Donoghue from Newark who celebrated the First Holy Communion Mass on Saturday and has kindly offered to celebrate the First Holy Communion Mass for the second group on Saturday and Father Stephen Dye from Oakham who has celebrated the Funeral of Terry Sibbons and will celebrate the Funeral Mass of Jane Clarke this coming Friday.

Until Father Kevin is fully recovered, this Tuesday and Thursday Mass will be replaced by the Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion.

First Holy Communion:

Thank you to the Catechist who have done so much in such difficult times to prepare the children for their First Holy Communions. 

It was wonderful to see how the first group of children coped with the restrictions and celebrated the precious Sacrament in First Holy Communion on Saturday. Our first group was truly wonderful. 

The children have waited patiently since the first lockdown when it was confirmed their First Holy Communion day in June would be cancelled. It was heart-warming and emotional to see how the children received the eucharist and how they didn’t rush the special moment. 

God Bless


2020 13th December – 3rd Sunday of Advent – Download