Newsletter 13th June 2021
Dear Friends,
This weekend, we welcome back Father Chris Thomas who will be with us this weekend and the last weekend of June. There are many Churches throughout our Diocese who due to restrictions, have not opened since March 2020. We have been blessed to have had Father Chris O’Connor who took the difficult steps to put the arrangements in place to allow our doors to open in July last year. Our Church has remained open through the help, support and guidance of Father Stephen, Father Michael Bell, Father Anthony, Father Michael O’Donoghue, Father Chris Thomas and the Benedictine Hermits.
I wish to personally thank each and every one of you, including but not limited to the stewards and cleaners as we may have found ourselves closed too.
As we listen to the words of the Scripture today, we have to remind ourselves the important aspects of the Church, that is we are all One Church, all united in a common faith and love for God, a Holy Church that is always focused on the Lord and always obeying His will, His Law and commandments, a Catholic Church that is Universal in our reach and coverage, in welcoming all peoples regardless of their background, their race and origin, to come towards the Lord just as the great tree in the parable became a haven for all living beings.
The Church blessed and sanctified by Christ, has been established as the symbol of unity among all of us, God’s beloved people, who share through Him and with Him a bond of unity and love, by our shared faith and love for God, and by our partaking of the New Covenant that God Himself has established with us.
Through Scripture, God reminds us that despite out disobedience and sins, He still loves each and every one of us and wants us to be fully reconciled to Him, and to be restored to the graceful life that we all have been intended to enjoy.
Please pray for the Confirmation Candidates as they prepare for their Sacrament and this weekend received the Sacrament of Reconciliation after for many has been a difficult 15 months.
After saying this he breathed on them and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, for those whose sins you retrain, they are retained.”John 20:22
God Bless
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