Newsletter 14th June 2020 – Corpus Christi

Dear Parishioners,

As you may have heard we are hoping to open our Church soon for individual & Family prayer. Good News! Many thanks for those who have volunteered so far.
However it is not as simple as opening the doors in the present circumstances! When we open the Churches we have to have 2 stewards on duty and the appropriate signage etcetera and notices as well as a risk assessment completed. We are also awaiting approval of the Diocesan policies which are themselves dependant on national Policies which are slow in coming through. We than have to receive permission from the Diocese to open when everything is in place. Bear with us!
The initial proposal is, when we are ready, to open on a Wednesday Morning, Saturday and Sunday morning.

I hope this will enable all people whether working or not to visit. From about 10.00am – 12 noon each morning is the proposal. We will let you know when we are ready. It will be a first phase looking towards Public Masses in July sometime which will present their own challenges in respect of social distancing.

Richard and Teresa Wilk have kindly agreed to coordinate planning and volunteers in reopening the church.
So we need some volunteers to be stewards who should not be in the isolating group or the vulnerable group. Volunteers must be over 16 years old and any volunteer will be contacted to fill in a volunteer form if you do not help already in another capacity. For all there wi;; be a briedf Job description form. This is a standard part of our safeguarding pastoral practice. It will not involve any sort of CBR Check. It would be wonderful to have some of our young people involved!!

Please send me your nameemail and telephone number if you wish to volunteer and in doing that you imply permission to pass on those details to our Parish Coordinator.
I have written a little thought below on Corpus Christi and the wonder of Our Lord’s Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Also a big thank you to our extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist for their ministry in the Parish. Thank you.

As well as continuing to pray for all those affected by the Coronavirus let us remember in our prayers, the situation in America with the death of George Floyd and indeed in this country and pray for the respect of everyone’s human dignity made in the image and likeness of God. We pray that violence may not be met with violence! This only makes bigger and stronger ripples.

More Good News: Andrew Wakley & the Permanent Diaconate

I am delighted to announce that Andrew has been accepted onto our discernment and formation program for the Permanent Diaconate. He has completed a Propaedeutic year and will commence a 3 year formation period. Please pray for him, Vicky Tristan and all the family

2020 14th June – Corpus Christi – Download

2020 14th June RedMass – Download

2020 14th June Green – Download

2020 14th June Look – Download