Newsletter 14th March 2021 – 4th Sunday Of Lent

Dear Parishioners

We find some very encouraging words in each of the readings this weekend.

The First Reading quickly runs through the Old Testament, focussing on the Jewish people’s exile in Babylon, seen as a punishment for their sins and failures. However, they are freed to return to Jerusalem and, re-build their lives and religious practices which is a major “Good News” story in their history.

We learn in the Second Reading that “God loved us with so much love that he was generous with his mercy:  when we were dead through our sins, he brought us to life with Christ.” Also, “We are God’s work of art” this is a beautiful privilege.

In the Gospel, John says. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.”  These are much needed words of encouragement, well worth reflecting on in these times of Covid-related struggle and suffering.

Today is also “Mother’s Day”. The one thing we all have or have had is a mother. But each relationship between mother and child is unique. Please find below a beautiful prayer-poem to Our Lady on Mothering Sunday ‘Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue”.

After following on from the fantastic news that Canon Christopher Thomas has offered to come and stay at the Parish during Holy Week. I have spoken with Canon Chris this week and he has kindly offered to celebrate some extra Masses for us during Holy Week, details can be found below. Booking will become available one week in advance.

Finally, on the Friday 26th March 2021 before Holy Week there will be a Service of Reconciliation held in Church starting at 7pm. There will be no need to book for this but your contact details will need to be taken on entrance into church. Parishioners will be shown to a seat in the normal way and Stewards will direct you to a Priest in order of arrival. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed to allow penance before Our Lord. There will be three Priests in attendance and because there will be no booking, if we are very busy, you may have to wait outside. 

God Bless 


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