Newsletter- 14th Week of Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners

Father Jonathan will be back from his holiday this weekend to celebrate the Sunday Liturgies on Saturday 8th July at 6 pm

and Sunday 9th July at 9.30 am.

We hope he enjoyed a happy and restful break abroad with his friend.

We are very grateful to Monsignor John Hadley and to Andrew for their generosity and kindness in offering their practical help and support during Father Jonathan’s time away.

Fr Kevin Gradwell died, late on the evening of Saturday 1st July from cancer. He will have been known by many of our parish as he was for just a short while, from September 2020 parish priest of St Marys before retiring to a small apartment in Marple Bridge. 

Fr Kevin was ordained with Fr Jonathan by Bishop Patrick in the Cathedral of St Barnabas, on the 11th July 2015, the Feast of St Benedict. This Tuesday 15th July at the 7 pm, Fr Jonathan will offer Mass for the repose of the soul of Fr Kevin. 

His body will be received into Saint Mary’s Church, Marple Bridge, during Mass on Thursday 27th July at 6.00pm.  His Requiem Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Patrick on Friday 28thJuly at 11.30am in Marple Bridge.


2023 9th July 2023– Newsletter – Download