Newsletter- 14th Week of Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners

On the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B our readings at Mass show us how God works through human weakness and the importance of faith. These themes help us understand more fully how God empowers us and calls us to trust in Him. In the First Reading God empowers Ezekiel to speak to the rebellious people of Israel. This shows us that God will make His presence known even if people do not listen. God tells Ezekiel that the people will know a prophet has been among them whether they listen or not, emphasising to us the importance of recognising and listening to those whom God sends to us to point us along the right path. Then in the Second Reading St Paul talks about how his own weaknesses are opportunities for Christ’s power to shine, reminding us all that God’s strength is perfected in our human weaknesses. In the Gospel from St Mark, we hear how Jesus is rejected by the people in Nazareth because of their belief in His humble background. This helps to remind us how a lack of faith and trust in Gods providence can limit what He can do and accomplish in our lives. Jesus is only able to heal a few sick people in Nazareth because of their unbelief. Which highlights again the importance of having faith and trust in God’s power to heal and help us. Let us as we approach a new week put all our hope and trust in the God who calls us and let us allow our faith to help and guide us in our daily lives.

St Marys School Leavers Mass: This Friday 12th July at 10 am we shall welcome St Marys school to church for a special Mass to mark the end of the academic year. A chance too to say goodbye to the young people who will be leaving St Marys and going on to their new senior schools next year. This Mass will replace the normal 9.30 am Mass in the parish that day and parishioners are warmly welcome to attend and to join with our young people, their teachers, governors, parents and friends in this special thanksgiving Mass. After Mass the school will remain in church for their prizegiving.

Confirmandi preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in September this year: Please continue to keep our young people in your prayers as they continue in their journey of faith and in their preparation for Confirmation later in September. On Saturday 13th July they will be having an afternoon workshop together in our parish halls with myself and their catechists and at the Saturday evening Mass at 6 pm Mass they will be helping with our liturgy and will make their Act of Commitment.

Note of thanks: My sincere thanks to all who gave so generously of their time and talents in helping us to celebrate with great joy Andrews Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate last weekend. I would like to particularly thank those who arranged such beautiful flowers in church and in the lower hall; those parishioners who polished hard the silver and brasses and helped to clean the church; our dedicated team of young and older servers for assisting so well at the altar, both at the Cathedral and also at the Sunday Mass in our parish; our musicians and singers for animating the liturgy so beautifully on Sunday morning and the dedicated band of volunteer helpers who served the fizz and cake and other drinks in the lower hall after Mass and also our stewards for welcoming our guests and congregation and tidying away after the Sunday morning Mass. To all who helped in any way…Thank you!  Andrew’s ordination weekend was I felt a memorable and very joyful celebration of his new ministry. Let us keep Andrew now in our prayers as he continues to offer himself in his new ministry as a deacon for our parish, the diocese and the wider Church as well.

With my prayers for you and your families during the week ahead,

Your parish priest and friend,

Fr Jonathan

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