Newsletter- 15th Week of Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners

As I mentioned at Mass last weekend, I had a wonderful holiday. Time to rest, take stock relax and recoup! It was though good to be back amongst you again, recharged and refreshed! Many of you will shortly be preparing to take some time away yourselves and I wish those traveling in the next few weeks a very enjoyable time away, a time of rest and relaxation with your family and friends.

This Sunday at Mass we are reminded that the word of God is proclaimed throughout the whole of creation. All the readings in the liturgy this Sunday are filled with images drawn from nature. The word is like rain refreshing the earth, bringing goodness and growth wherever it falls. (First Reading). The Responsorial Psalm is a prayerful song of thanks after a time of drought. It reminds us of the bountiful love that pours out from the Lord, filling us with joy and good things. St. Paul (Second Reading) writes of a deep longing within us – and within the whole of creation  for the fulfilment of God’s promise. The word of God will give us the freedom we long for. Jesus shares the parable of the sower casting seeds upon the land to teach us to cherish the word of God. The parable reminds us of the many things that can distract and prevent us from fulfilling all that we are called to be. When we learn to truly listen, the word of God is an abundant source of growth. It provides rich fruit for the benefit of all. In this coming week, we might want to look around us and notice the different ways in which creation speaks to us of the love of God. Let us pray for the courage and grace to sow, nurture, grow and harvest the Word of God wherever we may be.

New boilers for the church and parish halls: This week from Monday 17th July – Friday 21st July inclusive the church and parish halls will need to remain closed to the General Public, and there will be no Public Worship, nor access allowed to the church buildings during this period to allow our new boilers to be fitted and commissioned. God willing, we shall be back to normal on Saturday 22nd July in time for the weekend Masses.

With my prayers for you and for your families as we approach the holiday season,

Your parish priest and friend,

Fr Jonathan


2023 16th July 2023– Newsletter – Download