Newsletter- 15th Week of Ordinary Time
On Saturday 9th July the young people from our parish who have been preparing so hard and so well, over the past few months, made their First Holy Communion together in church at a special Mass in the morning. It was a very joyful occasion and I feel sure a memorable occasion for the young people themselves and for their friends and families who gathered for this special celebration. I am immensely grateful to all our catechists and helpers who worked so hard in preparing our young people again this year.
School Leavers Mass: This Friday 15th July we shall welcome St. Marys School to our parish Mass. Mass will be celebrated at 10am that morning. And will replace the normal 9.30 am Mass that day. The school will be helping with the liturgy as we say goodbye to those who after the summer will be leaving St. Mary’s Primary School to continue their education at Senior School.
This Sunday is Sea Sunday and there will be a second collection at all our Sunday Masses. It is the day that the Church prays for all who live and work at sea. Seafarers play a vital role in all our lives, but they often work in difficult and hazardous conditions. In the last year more crews than ever have been abandoned by their employers than ever before. Many still are being denied the right to leave their ships for even a short break away from the relentless noise and pressure on board. Many are reporting more stress and an increase in poor mental health. Stella Maris is the maritime agency of the Catholic Church. Its teams of chaplains provide practical help and pastoral support and care to seafarers in the UK and around the world, do give as generously as you can to support their important ministry of practical and pastoral care and support for all who work at sea.
In the Gospel this weekend we hear the parable of the Good Samaritan. We need Good Samaritans for our society to survive and to flourish. Jesus’ story teaches us a profound and challenging truth, which is the point of the parable. The parable of the Good Samaritan is a practical story of compassion but what I think really attracts us is the absolute compassion we see revealed in its depths. A Samaritan was a person that Jews would ordinarily have shunned. The greatness and largeness of heart that the Samaritan showed to the man who had been robbed and beaten shows us how far God is prepared to go in caring for us, and how He invites us similarly to become Good Samaritans to those whom we experience throughout our lives who are in any kind of trouble or need. The parable challenges us to believe that we too can be Good Samaritans and maybe too it comforts us to know that, in our moment of greatest need, someone will always be there to help us as well.
Our test as Christ’s modern-day disciples, following His mandate to us to love our neighbour, is to be found in how we help those around us who are in need. Needs that are often expressed by others during our many different encounters with them during our daily lives. Those needs may include our financial support, our time, listening to another, our compassion, our contacts, our advice, or our love. The needs will be many and varied and it is up to us how we respond to them. Let us this coming week be aware of the needs of those around us and let us look for practical ways that we can help and support one another.
With my prayers for you and for your families during the coming week,
Your friend and parish priest,
Fr Jonathan
IMPORTANT Newsletters – Our Parish Newsletters are available to be viewed and downloaded from our Parish website.
The online version will not include the Sunday Message
The Sunday Message and Newsletter will be available to download but this will be password protected – the password can be obtained from the Parish.
2022 10th July – Newsletter – Download
2022 10th July – Newsletter (Including Sunday Message – Password Protected)– Download
2022 10th July – LOOK – (Password Protected)– Download