Newsletter 17th May 2020

Dear Parishioners,

It was a grave disappointment to hear this week that our Churches will not reopen for Mass until July at the earliest. However, The church in England & Wales is talking with our Government about how we can proceed with some reopening at least for Private prayer. Some of you may have heard the interview with Cardinal Nichols on the Today programme on Radio 4 cf: 

Our faith is deeply sacramental. We are creatures of flesh and blood. We use all our senses in our prayer and Worship. Our Lord comes to us through the material especially in the Sacraments: water oil laying on of hands and of course his Real Presence under the appearance of bread and wine. So much tied to the mystery of the incarnation. We are not spirits but soul and Body as one being.

2020 17th May – 6th Sunday Easter – Download

2020 17th May RedMass – Download

2020 17th May Green – Download

2020 17th May Look – Download