Newsletter 17th October 2021
Dear Parishioners
The next few weeks continue to be very busy within the parish, the following are a few reminders for the coming weeks.
Last Sunday Pope Francis launched the world-wide Synodal Process in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and this weekend sees the launch of the Synodal Process throughout all the diocese’ of the world. This Sunday, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, in St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham, during the 11.15 am Mass, Bishop Patrick will launch the Synodal Process in our own diocese. A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Patrick to our diocese will be read out at all Sunday Masses this weekend. In addition, at a local level, we shall celebrate this Sunday a simple Parish Opening Liturgy with a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, the celebration of Vespers together, concluding with Benediction. This will take place in church at 4 p.m.
In launching the Synodal Process last weekend, our Holy Father is inviting us as the Universal Church to rediscover the Churches deeply synodal nature, a process of humbly discerning together how God is calling us to be the Church in the third millennium. Part of that process involves prayer and discernment acting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will be distributing Synod Prayer Cards this weekend at all Sunday Masses, so that we can join in prayer as a parish and as individuals, at home and in church, and with the diocese and the wider Church. Please do read the important information to be found within this Bulletin about the Timeline for the First Phase of the Diocesan Participation in the Synodal Process. The Synod prayer is also printed here as well.
October is the month of Our Lady, and each day thought this month during the week before Mass, parishioners will be leading the Rosary. Do come to pray together from 9.10 am in church, as together we seek Our Lady’ gracious intercession for our parish community and for the special intentions of the wider world.
Next Sunday, 24th October, as I mentioned in last week’s Bulletin, Andrew Wakley will be admitted to Candidacy by Bishop Patrick, who has kindly agreed to come in person to St. Mary’s that morning to preside at the 9.30 am Mass and admit Andrew himself. Candidacy is the official moment from the Church’s perspective when She accepts a candidate for Holy Orders. The time of Andrews ordination to the Diaconate is the point at which we will have a big parish celebration. Sunday 24th October will be a simpler and more low-key celebration, but I would like to mark this occasion by offering simple refreshments of tea and coffee and cake after Mass in the Parish Hall. Thank you to the three people who have already come forward to offer to help serve refreshments in the Parish Hall after Mass, if you feel you could also help in this way, do get in touch with me, as your help will be greatly appreciated. Cake will be provided and so no need to bake! But it would be good to offer simple hospitality to all attending Mass that morning. Please continue to keep Andrew in your prayers each day this week as he prepares to receive candidacy next Sunday morning and as he takes this important next step in his journey of vocation.
Next Sunday, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 23rd/24th October is World Mission Sunday and there will be a 2nd Collection. On this day the whole Church unites in prayer for its missionary activity, and in collecting funds to support Catholic communities across the world living in situations of poverty and privation. The theme chosen by the Holy father for this year is: ‘We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard’ (Acts 4:20). In his message for World Mission Sunday Pope Francis reminds us: ‘Once we experience the power of God’s love, we cannot help but proclaim and share what we have seen and heard. Jesus’ relationship with his disciples and his humanity shows us the extent to which God loves our humanity and makes his own our joys and sufferings, our hopes and our concerns.’
Looking ahead to November: Month of the Holy Souls – On Tuesday 2nd November – All Souls’ – at 7 pm, we will celebrate a Requiem Mass to commemorate All the Faithful Departed. You will find in the entrance to the church from this weekend, November Dead List Envelopes, and printed sheets for writing the names of deceased family members and friends to be included in the envelope with a donation, which can either be given to me or dropped through the letter box of the Rectory. The names of your deceased relatives and friends and all for whom you wish to pray will then be placed in a basket close to the Altar throughout the month of November and at the end of November I will divide these names up into special Masses for the intentions of ‘The Holy Souls – November Dead List.’ These Masses will be offered by me throughout the year. In addition, on Sunday 14th November, at 3 pm Blessing of Graves – I invite you to come and join Andrew and myself as we bless the Catholic graves in the local cemetery that afternoon. This will be a simple liturgy of prayer and blessing with holy water of all the Catholic graves in our local cometary. Please meet at the stone archway as you enter the main cemetery gates.
With my prayers for you and for your families during the coming week ahead,
Your friend and Parish Priest,
Fr. Jonathan
IMPORTANT Newsletters – Our Parish Newsletters are available to be viewed and downloaded from our Parish website.
The online version will not include the Sunday Message
The Sunday Message and Newsletter will be available to download but this will be password protected – the password can be obtained from the Parish.
2021 17th October – Newsletter – Download
2021 17th October – Newsletter (Including Sunday Message – Password Protected)– Download
2021 17th October – LOOK – (Password Protected)– Download