Newsletter 21st March 2021 – 6th Sunday Of Lent – Holy Week
Dear Parishioners
Our Lenten journey is nearing its end. Last night we celebrated a special Service of Reconciliation and thanks to Father Michael Bell, Father Michael O’Donoghue and Father Stephen Dye for coming to join us on their Friday evening.
Next week we enter into Passion (Palm) Sunday and Holy Week. As I look back on my Lenten Journey and ask myself whether I am any the better? For me I have found the time to read a little more and made time to reflect, but before lent, I would have spent that time in front of the television. There is still room for improvement because my rhythm of prayer is not as consistent, and I need to continue to work on giving prayer the important place it deserves in my life.
During this last year we have all certainly experienced loss, whether it be a person, a moment of celebration or a cherished hope. On Tuesday, the anniversary of the first national lockdown, the church was open all day for reflection and prayer and we marked the anniversary with a minute’s silence at midday. At 8pm, it was wonderful to see a ‘beacon of remembrance’ on doorsteps by beaming phones, candles and torches into the night sky.
The experience of loss plays a profoundly important part in forming who we are. Jesus teaches us that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains a single grain, but if it dies it yields a rich harvest. (John 12:20-33)
Loss is not just about the death of a loved one and throughout our lives we are faced with many different losses which are painful and sometimes too hard to bear.
In this week’s gospel, Jesus’ hour has come but his loss becomes our Hope.
With more and more Parishioners receiving their Covid vaccine, it is wonderful to see a rise in numbers attending Mass with Sunday becoming fully booked within days.
Please pray that Bishop blesses us with a new Parish Priest in the coming months.
Father Anthony sends his best wishes and regards and looks forward to seeing you all very soon.
God Bless
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