Newsletter 25th October 2020

Dear All,

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that the two greatest commandments are: love of God and love of neighbour.Whenever we read the gospels, even a short passage like that of today, a few minutes at least, should be spent in thinking and praying how best it might be applied to our own lives. Am I reading what Jesus wants to say to me or am I placing some spin of my own on the text? Always be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. How many Laws did they have to keep?

1. You may feel some sympathy with the Jews struggling to cope with 613 laws and wondering which were the important ones. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the rules and regulations of your own tradition? And have you ever been blessed by meeting someone, or reading something, that was able to cut through all the layers and point out to you what is essential in life? Who was that person? What did s/he say or do? Is there some phrase or text that encapsulates such wisdom for you?

2. If you were asked what is most important in life, what would your answer be? Recall the experiences and relationships you have had. Which are the ones that you treasure most? What has particularly enriched your life? How would you encourage another person who asked you how s/he could live a full life?

By asking questions like these, the Gospel comes alive in us.

Your Prayers are asked for:

The repose of the souls of … Fr. Anthony’s brother-in-law John Hodgkinson who visited the parish often and died in the early hours of Friday morning: for Tony Harley whose funeral will take place on Thursday; and for Manuel Miranda whose cremation service will take place next week.      Requiescant in pace.

Father Kevin

2020 25th October – 30th Sunday of the Year – Download