Newsletter- 26th Week of Ordinary Time
October is traditionally designated as the month of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each weekday morning during October, when there is not a Funeral Mass, and starting from this Wednesday 4th October parishioners will be leading the Rosary before Mass. Do come to join us at around 9.10 am in church, as together we ask Our Lady’s gracious intercession for our parish community, the wider world and for our own special intentions to.
CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY APPEAL – Friday 6th October 2023 – Envelopes are now available for you to put your contributions in, (on the table as you come into church) these can be returned in the Sunday collection plate over the next few weekends. All monies received will be sent directly to CAFOD after 8th October. Imagine if our homes were flooded, and our families were getting sick. This harvest, we are learning about Dr Nasha’s amazing mobile medical clinic, and how she got life-saving help to where it was most needed after the Pakistan floods. The support we as a parish give to CAFOD this year on this Family Fast Day will ensure many more families and communities can continue to get expert help when they need it most.
Next Sunday 8th October is Prisoner’s Sunday. The day on which the Church marks the start of the annual Ecumenical Prisons Week, a week of prayer which has been raising awareness for some years now of the issues faced by those affected by the criminal justice system.
Across England and Wales Pact invites parishes to join in praying for those who have taken the wrong road and ended up in prison. Pact works to help build bridges of hope and to give the opportunity to those who genuinely desire, to make a fresh start after their time in prison. If you would like to help to support the important work of Pact, you can give a donation using the envelopes provided. Pact Envelopes are to be found just as you come into church on the table by the Dona Pay machine. Please put the envelopes with your donation into the collection plate over the next two weekends. All donations received will then be sent directly to Pact after 8th October.
This week’s readings for 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time call us to turn to the Lord, modelling our actions and words on Christ Jesus. The First Reading, from the prophet Ezekiel, gives hope. Those who think better of their situation and renounce it are given life. The Responsorial Psalm reveals the heartfelt prayer of someone turning away from their sin and embracing the gift of new life. The apostle Paul shows us what it is to give up sin and take on the mind of Christ (Second Reading). The Church at Philippi was overall a source of joy for Paul, but here he appeals for greater unity. We are reminded that this is reached only by imitating the humility of Christ, who became obedient even unto death. Out of love for us, Christ even gives up his divinity, freely and without reservation.
Amidst growing tension following the overturning of the money changers’ tables in the Temple, the religious leaders confront Jesus, demanding to know the source of his authority. Jesus tells the parable of the two sons, and poses a question, causing the chief priests to reflect on the difference between putting self or others first. By answering correctly, thereby aligning themselves to the boy who said he would do his Father’s will but then doesn’t, they convict themselves (Gospel).
This week, let us keep close to Christ, who obeyed the Father perfectly in word and deed. And let us remember that it is never too late for us to turn to God and to follow God’s will.
Parish Confirmation Course 2024 – You will find an advert in this week’s Bulletin about our next Confirmation course. We are limiting places to 30 candidates and applications will be taken on a “first come first served basis.” I am very grateful to those parishioners who have already volunteered as catechists; however, it would be good to have a few more volunteers to help support our young people. If you would like to assist, please come, and speak with me informally and I will put you in touch with Mary Peeling who is heading up our Parish Confirmation Catechist Team.
With my prayers for you and for your families during the coming week,
Your parish priest and friend,
Father Jonathan
2023 1st October 2023– Newsletter – Download