Newsletter 29th August 2021
Dear Parishioners
This week’s introduction to the Sunday Bulletin I will keep brief as it’s been a week of very early mornings and late nights for me, unpacking and sorting in the Rectory, and in an attempt to have all sorted before this weekend, so that from next week I can focus upon the parish. I am looking forward greatly to getting to know each of you better in the weeks and months ahead and I hope that as you get to know me better that you will find in me a loving Pastor and kind friend. My prayer as I begin my ministry amongst you is that together, as the Catholic community here in Grantham, we may work together to build upon the good things of the past, and continue to make our parish a place of welcome for all. A loving community of faith, with Christ at its centre.
The gospel for today reminds us to give care and consideration to the word of truth we are all commanded to speak as Christ’s modern-day disciples. Jesus’ words directed to the Pharisees who questioned him, and then to the crowd offer a challenge to each of us living in the modern world. In our desire to show that we are holy, we perhaps often give too much credence to externals, following rules without thinking about the intention behind them. Jesus reminds us though that we do not make ourselves holy by our actions. Rather, we become holy when we allow God’s Spirit to transform us. Our actions should be an expression of the conversion of our heart to God and to God’s ways.
Thank you for the warmth of welcome that I have received since I arrived here and I pray that each of you may have a good week ahead. Please keep me in your prayers as I seek to find my feet, and get acclimatised to my new life and ministry here in Grantham as your parish priest.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Jonathan
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