Newsletter- 34th Week of Ordinary Time
This weekend at all the Sunday Masses we keep the great Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. To speak of Christ as Universal King is, among many other things, to be reminded that while there is a kind of kingship that is built on power and domination, true kingship, that of Christ, is not like that. Christ’s kingdom, His truth, His grace is always close at hand, in every church, every sacrament and particularly when we come together to share in the Eucharist together. These are the access points into Christ’s Kingdom of Saving Truth, of Loving Mercy, of Unconditional Love and Lasting Life. This weekend is also the weekend of special prayer for Young People, National Youth Sunday. An opportunity to recognise young people as a gift in the Church, and to enable us as a parish community to celebrate our young people and affirm the contribution of all young people in the Church and those who work with them. This Sunday marks too, the end of the Church’s Liturgical Year as next Sunday, will be the First Sunday in Advent, when we begin our Advent journey together, a chance for each of us to renew our relationship with Christ and with each other, and to unite ourselves more deeply to Christ through the power of His transformative love.
Walk with Me: ‘A Journey of Prayer for Advent.’ Copies will be available for you to buy for just £1 each from this weekend. These popular handy little pocket Prayer Books have an insert written by Bishop Patrick and a Forward by Cardinal Vincent. They follow the daily Mass Readings during Advent and I hope will help us all to journey and prepare together and as individuals for the coming of Christmas. Please do consider buying a copy to take home with you and to use each day during the Advent season. Maybe buy some extra copies too to share with your family and friends.
Catholics for Family Life – and the Basic Faith Formation programme. Last Sunday after Mass as you will be aware, a small group from the parish, led by Jun and Melanie Maniago, met together during the morning and afternoon in the Passage building and, in the church, to understand more about the Catholics for Family Life – and the Basic Faith Formation Programme. It was a wonderfully joyful day with times of sharing, informal Praise and Worship, Eucharistic and Marian Devotions, Personal Prayer, and Confession. An excellent shared lunch was served to all who attended. There were also some very thought provoking and stimulating talks given by Jun and Melanie Maniego and Onie Ison. Our time together began with the Rosary led by Marife Ison. Then towards the end of the Holy Hour and a period for confession, at 3 pm the Divine Mercy Chaplet was led by Leesa Mould, before Benediction was given. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience myself and was glad to be able to welcome to the parish for the day Jo Hopkins, the Head of Adult Formation and Mission for our diocese, Jo came to Mass before and stayed for the whole day and was very positive in his feed back to me afterwards about his own experience. I would like to thank all who worked so hard to make this first meeting such a great success. I hope that we shall soon be able to launch the Basic Faith Formation programme for all interested parishioners within the parish during the coming year ahead. More information will follow soon.
New Door Mats – A Generous Donation: A very generous and anonymous benefactor has kindly paid to have all three large, fitted door mats replaced in the entrance into the church and has paid for a fitted doormat to be installed at the church entrance into the garden at the rear. The present door mats are all well passed their “sell by date” and are no longer fit for purpose! I am extremely grateful for this thoughtful and practical gift to the parish and have arranged with Richard Malley Floor Designs to measure and to fit in early December.
Hampers for our two Christmas Charities: Thank you to all who have already contributed items for the Charity Christmas Hampers or who have given monetary donations. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. More items are still needed though so please do continue to drop off donations when the church is open until Friday 8th December. You will find a note about items needed in the Bulletin and on the church notice board. These can be put in the large plastic receptacle provided in the entrance as you come into church. Packing will take place at 11 am on Saturday 9th December organised by Ewa and Jennie. Thank you to those who have kindly agreed to come to help pack the hampers that morning.
With my prayers for you and for your families during the coming week ahead,
Your parish priest and friend,
Fr Jonathan
2023 26th November – Newsletter – Download