Newsletter 3rd May 2020

Dear Parishioners,

My thoughts and prayers are with you as I celebrate Mass each day. We have heard of the continuing high death rate this week and particularly the danger of infection in our care Homes. We keep staff and residents in our prayers. It is difficult to take the figures in when we look out of the window and the world seems the same.

This weekend we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday in which we pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. I attach a note about that to the email. We are asked to pray on Thursday for vocations that young men and women will respond to Our Lord’s loving invitation to follow him in a particular way. I believe many are being called but for various reasons that call is not being heard. Our Lord never disappoints and when he call someone to the Priesthood or religious life he is always faithful to that person and I can attest he is always there with his merciful love in the ups and downs of life. Indeed we all have a call from our Lord in our life to follow him. So we should consider that a great comfort and blessing whether we are married single young or elderly. Our Lord is present in our lives, as we said last week in the Emmaus story!!! But we need priests, to make our Lord present in word and sacrament. Priests with the heart of Jesus as St Peter describes in the 2nd reading. Also young men and women to give radical witness to God in a life of Poverty obedience and Chastity. Our world needs their clear sign of his Kingdom.

2020 3rd May – 4th Sunday Easter – Download

2020 3rd May RedMass – Download

2020 3rd May Green – Download

2020 3rd May Look – Download