Newsletter 6th September 2020

Dear Parishioners,

A big thank you to Fr Antony for covering for me last weekend. I had a good few days away with my family and it did me the world of Good. I am getting ready to move and preparing things for Fr Kevin. Alas we had a set back when the Parish Computer failed!

We look forward to welcoming Fr Kevin on the 16th September when I go to Market Harborough.

We have been getting the Hall ready for the Kumon group. Thank you to Andrew and Eleanor for all their work on this. I am afraid there is still no news of when Confirmation and First Holy Communion group will resume.

Sadly, John Fisher died on Wednesday. Our condolences to Suzie Kopliku and all the family. May he rest in peace. His funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 15 September at Midday.

2020 6th September – 23rd Sunday of the Year – Download

2020 6th September Red Mass – Download

2020 6th September Green – Download

2020 6th September  Look – Download