Newsletter 7th June 2020 – Trinity Sunday

Dear Parishioners,

We continue with the lovely feasts that come just after Easter, the Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that guide us gently into Ordinary Time. It is sad that we cannot honour Corpus Christi with a Mass. Our Bishops continue to lobby and talk with the Government including Archbishop John Wilson of Southwark. Cf prime-minister-from-archbishop-john-wilson-regarding-the- opening-of-churches/. He makes several good points. We hope that soon we will be able to open the Church at least for some periods each week for private prayer but we will have to steward that at certain times and make sure we keep the Churches disinfected. The Bishops, I am told have procedures ready for that.

As we wait, I encourage you to continue with your prayers and life of faith, hope and love at home – the domestic Church – which are the living cells of the Church universal. Pray with your children read the stories of Scripture and the Saints and use the various online resources. Say the Rosary together and discuss the Sunday readings. What do they Say? What do they say to me/us? What is our Lord asking us to do or change? Keep in your prayers all the sick and all our fellow parishioners who work in the health and Care sectors of our society.

We have the Funeral of Joe McLarnon this week. Please pray for Anne, Eileen Sinead and all the family.
Sad News this week came with the death of Pat McHugh, a very long standing member of our Parish family and indeed our school community as a Chair of Governors and a great friend to many young priests over the years. Our Condolences to Werby and all the family.

Live Stream Mass for the Sick, their Families and Care-givers – Nottingham Diocese

Recognising that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone, special Masses are being celebrated for the sick, their families, care workers and NHS staff by one of our diocesan Bishops of England and Wales, in his Cathedral every Thursday at 7 pm.
On Thursday 11th June (Feast of St. Barnabas), Bishop Patrick will be taking his turn as part of this important initiative. the Bishop will be offering Mass at 7 pm, which will be live streamed from the Cathedral of St Barnabas on the Bishop’s Youtube channel.

Bishop Patrick’s YouTube channel

2020 7th June – Trinity Sunday – Download

2020 7th June RedMass – Download

2020 7th June Green – Download