Newsletter 7th March 2021 – 3rd Sunday Of Lent

Dear Parishioners

On this Sunday, the third Sunday in the season of Lent we are all called to prepare ourselves for the celebration of Easter, that now as we are already halfway through this season of Lent, we should make good use of the time and opportunities given to us so that we can be ready not just to celebrate the occasion of Holy Week and Easter, but even more importantly, we may become better and more faithful disciples of the Lord.

During this season of Lent, and through the reminders of our Scripture passages today, we are all called to return to the Lord and obey His Law once again. Just as the Lord cleared the corruption of the Temple, the wicked merchants and money changers, we are also called to clear our own Temple, our body, mind, heart and soul from the corruption of sin. We have been given this reminder and the opportunities to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy because the Lord truly loves each and every one of us.

As Pope Francis begins his historic visit to Iraq, Cardinal Vincent Nichols has urged Catholics to pray for him.Acknowledging the physical demands the Holy Father faces this weekend is a true sign of his commitment to Iraq, he said the Pope will also experience many emotional ones.

Citing the historical resonance, rootedness of Christian faith in the land and the trauma so many people there have been through, Cardinal Nichols said: “These things will make really deep emotional and spiritual demands on Pope Francis and that’s why it’s important that we support him with our prayers and without spiritual endeavour for him in these crucial days.”

On behalf of the Parish, I wish to thank Ann and Susan for taking our Service of the Word and Holy Communion on Thursday. As a strong Parish, we stand together and help in every way we can to ensure the Church can remain open and COVID safe.

Which brings me to share some fantastic news that Canon Christopher Thomas has offered to come and stay at the Parish during Holy Week. Canon Christopher is the current General Secretary to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

God Bless 


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