Newsletter 8th November 2020

Dear All,

At this time of year, our deceased relatives and friends are often in our minds. Our faith tells us that we needn’t grieve over them like people with no hope. We remember them with love, and entrust them to God’s care.

At all Masses this month I will remember all the deceased of our parish. Symbolically (and as a reminder to me) your November Dead Lists have been placed on the altar and will remain their throughout the month.

This Sunday we pray:

“Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep from us all adversity, so that, unhindered in mind and body alike, we may pursue in freedom of heart the things that are yours.”

Your prayers are asked for:

Patrick Gallagher RIP whose burial will take place on Tuesday 17th November; and for
Debs (Deborah) Richardson RIP whose funeral will take place on the following day.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. Let us pray also for their families and friends at this difficult time.

Church now only open for Private Prayer and funerals:

By Government decree, another lock-down has been imposed, this time, until December 2nd.  In the meantime, church shall be open on Wednesdays between 10.00am and 11.30am for private prayerIt could be open more frequently but that would require stewards to be present and cleaning to take place after each person’s visit.

Father Kevin

2020 8th November – 32nd Sunday of the Year – Download