Newsletter 9th August 2020

Dear Parishioners,

May I wish you some peaceful summer days as we are in August. Even though we cannot holiday as we might wish, I pray you find new ways of relaxation and rest.

Our Masses since reopening the Church have been steady but we have not been full. So, there is room to come if you have not been confident to come yet. And I have to remind you all that from this weekend we all have to wear a mask at Mass. If you forget to bring one, we have spares!

We are looking forward to the great Feast day of the Assumption of our Lady next Sunday. Please make it an extra special Sunday in your families. I remember well all the different celebrations in Spain to mark this great day. May Mary the Mother of the Lord intercede for us at this time.

Our Grantham passage together with the Foodbank are doing great work. They are doing about 130 handouts each week to those in need.

2020 9th August – 18th Sunday – Download

2020 9th August Red Mass – Download

2020 9th August Green – Download

2020 9th August  Look – Download