Newsletter 24th May 2020

Dear Parishioners,

We are still awaiting news about any relaxing of restrictions concerning Churches and indeed other places of Worship. Thank God we seem to have less cases of COVID 19 and deaths are coming down. But I think many are feeling fed up with things. How long O Lord? We ask in the words of Scriptures. We wait. Indeed in the reading for the Feast the Ascension (Acts1:1-11) The disciples are told to wait In Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit. Waiting on God can be an important part of the Christian life, a part of his will for us. It features in the Old Testament with Jacob waiting seven years to marry Rebecca and Moses 40 years in Midian and the people of Israel 40 years in the dessert and not least Israel waiting for the Messiah with no prophet for 400 years. God is at work in this time, be sure of it. God never does nothing. He is never on lockdown! He is infinite love in action. We draw inspiration from today’s First Reading where the first Christian community is waiting in continuous prayer with Mary the mother of God. So should we be doing by praying for the Holy Spirit such as with a Novena for his coming as below.


But I should include here a special message from our Holy Father Pope Francis to all our First Communion children given last Sunday

“In many parishes, it is traditional in the month of May to celebrate First Communion Masses. Clearly, because of the pandemic, this beautiful moment of faith and celebration has been postponed. Therefore, I wish to send an affectionate thought to the boys and girls who would have received the Eucharist for the first time. Dearests, I invite you to live this time of waiting as an opportunity to prepare yourselves better: praying, reading the catechism book to deepen your knowledge of Jesus, growing in goodness, and in the service of others. Happy walking!”

2020 24th May – 7th Sunday Easter – Download

2020 24th May RedMass – Download

2020 24th May Green – Download

2020 24th May Look – Download