Newsletter – Palm Sunday / Holy Week – 10th April 2022
Today on Palm Sunday we begin our journey through Holy Week towards Easter. In Holy Week we think about the passion, death, and resurrection of Our Lord. We are not merely recalling historical events. We are not just enacting a pageant with no meaning. We are remembering and reflecting on these events in order that we may ourselves participate more fully in the saving work of Christ and to reveal His love to the world in which we live and in all the many different situations of our daily lives. Our Lord was offering himself to God his Father, offering his love which He expressed through – an obedience which included the acceptance of death. At the same time, He was passing through death to life so that you and I might share in His risen life. We must be involved in the offering of love which Christ made on the cross. In the sacrifice of the Mass, we are provided with that opportunity. Through all the sacraments of the Church, especially the Eucharist, we receive the risen life of Christ; indeed, in Holy Communion we receive the very author of that life.
As we journey together through Holy Week this year we will come towards the end of the week ahead to what we call The Paschal Triduum, three very special days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Our chief thought on Maundy Thursday will be the institution of the Mass. On Good Friday we shall think of the offering Our Lord made of himself to his heavenly Father. On Holy Saturday we shall with great joy celebrate the risen life in which we all share as Christians. A thought maybe to reflect upon as we make this journey together over the next few days and come to share in the Churches ancient liturgies is the sense that every time we gather together for the celebration of the Mass Holy Week is continued in its entirety. Do try this year to join as fully as possible with our local faith community here at St Mary’s in all the special liturgies of this coming Holy Week, each one has its own special gift and grace to offer to us in helping us to live out more fully and more authentically our Christian witness and discipleship in the world in which we live.
Today on Palm Sunday, we remember it is not some other Jesus, but the same Jesus who entered Jerusalem today amidst the waving of palm branches and cries of Hosanna! But who was also nailed to the cross and died between two criminals. We are reminded as we approach the week ahead that we have no other Lord and Saviour but him: Jesus, the humble King of Justice, Jesus the King of Mercy, Jesus the King of Peace, and Love. As we follow Christ on the journey of his passion and to the cross, may we do so with an openness of heart and mind, so that our journey this week will lead to new life in Christ, and to a new and deeper understanding of the great love that God has for each one of us.
With prayer and best wishes for each of you as we journey together through Holy Week,
Your parish priest and friend,
Fr Jonathan
IMPORTANT Newsletters – Our Parish Newsletters are available to be viewed and downloaded from our Parish website.
The online version will not include the Sunday Message
The Sunday Message and Newsletter will be available to download but this will be password protected – the password can be obtained from the Parish.
2022 10th April – Newsletter – Download
2022 10th April – Newsletter (Including Sunday Message – Password Protected)– Download
2022 10th April – LOOK – (Password Protected)– Download